Photography: Chronological entries

The filter sizes for my lenses

Since it seems worth keeping track of this information somewhere:

52 mm 35 f/1.8; 50 f/1.8 AF
55 mm Tamron 60 f/2 Macro
58 mm 50 f/1.4 AF-S
62 mm 105 f/2.8 VR
67 mm 16-85; Tamron 17-50 f/2.8; 70-300 VR; 85 f/1.8 AF-S
72 mm 16-80; Sigma 18-35 f/1.8; 18-200
77 mm 10-24

My Nikon D7100 custom settings and other customizations

Disclaimer: currently evolving constantly.

Noted down for my own reference, as with NikonD90Settings.

a1 (AF-C priority) Focus I would rather have somewhat less in-focus pictures than somewhat more out of focus ones.
a7 (AF-assist light) off No blinking at people in the dark, thanks.
c4 (Monitor off delay) 10s for image review I like more time to chimp.
d2 (Viewfinder grid) off
(the default)
I'm used to them on my D90 and they help a bit with composition and getting things level Now obsoleted by virtual horizon, so I'm decluttering the display. This is the default but I'm noting it for various reasons.
d3 (ISO display+) 'ISO' I want to see ISO since I use auto ISO a lot. I continue to be annoyed that the ISO is replaced with the buffer count when the shutter button is pressed.
d7 (File number seq) on
(the default)
I don't want numbering to reset or the directory to ever change. This'll do. This is the default but I'm noting it explicitly for myself.
e4 (Exposure comp for flash) background only Applies FEC by itself, not on top of regular exposure compensation. Thom Hogan recommends this here.
e7 (Bracketing order) Under, MTR, Over This is the sane ordering for things like HDR.
f1 (Okay button) playback mode: magnify This is much more useful to me than thumbnails on/off.
f2 (Fn button) spot metering Experimental, based on a suggestion from Thom Hogan's Complete Guide to the D90. Basically this gives me a quick way of checking the exposure of various bits of the scene (especially the focus point) relative to the overall matrix metering. (Big swings are likely a problem.)
f3 (Preview button) Virtual horizon I can't level things to save my life. This can't be combined with a press + command wheel option (I'm not sure what can be, although I assume there's something).
f4 (AE-L/AF-L) AE lock (hold) I wrote an entire blog entry about why AE lock is important with matrix metering to save your sanity. As before, I do not want to have to keep a finger on the button to keep AE locked.
f5 (command dials) Menus and playback: on I want the command dials to scroll through images during general image review the way they do in the post-photo image review. I'd be happy if they did nothing in menus but the option Nikon offers here is exactly backwards from the one I want.
f7 (Slot empty lock) lock If I leave both memory cards out, I want to know about it.
f9 (MB-D15 AE-L) AE lock (hold) See f4.

Several of the settings no longer need to be changed; for example, Nikon has switched to reversing the EV indicators by default and the D7100 is 'pro' enough that beeping at you defaults to off.

18-April-2013: I swapped the Fn and Preview button functions because I realized that I was using the Fn button function exactly once every time I reset or power up the camera (I leave it on virtual horizon all the time) and the Fn button is more generally accessible than the Preview button (especially when you're using the vertical grip).

(I wish there was a 'turn on virtual horizon' menu item because that would free up the Preview button to be an actual DOF preview. Sadly if you reassign the button it turns off an active virtual horizon.)

'My Menu' settings

My menu is set up with:

  • battery info
  • ISO Sensitivity settings, mostly to get at the minimum shutter speed
  • NEF (RAW) recording, to set 12 vs 14 bit and so on
  • white balance, because some of the white balances aren't accessible directly through the WB button
  • image review on/off
  • b3 Easy exposure compensation [experimental, for enabling it]
  • d3 ISO display and adjustment [experimental, for enabling Easy ISO]
  • d10 Exposure delay mode
  • a1 AF-C priority selection, so I can change it to release priority if I ever want to.
  • a6 Number of focus points, in case I ever want to change this from 51 to 11 so it's easier to move through them. This will probably go.

I chimp battery info frequently because it doubles as my 'how many photographs have I taken today' counter, since I recharge the battery every night when I offload the day's pictures.

The last two settings are off the bottom of the screen.

Playback settings

I have to set these too. And they don't annotate what gets changed, unlike custom settings.

  • Playback display options: turn on everything
  • Image review: turn on
  • Rotate tall: off

I think that was it.

My Nikon D90 custom settings settings

Noted down for my own reference:

a3 (AF-assist) off It's obtrusive in the dark and doesn't necessarily help much. If I need it I will turn it back on.
b2 (Easy exposure comp) on In practice I don't use it much; it's easier to remember the button+rear dial combo than to keep track of which dial it uses right now. (also, it doesn't show the actual number.)
Update: disabled (off) now.
c4 (Monitor off times: Image review) 10s I want more time to chimp. The default 4 seconds is not long enough for me to pay attention.
d1 (Beep) off
d2 (Viewfinder grid) on I can't shoot level to save my life, so this helps, and the viewfinder is already permanently cluttered. (I use the same option on my point & shoot.)
d3 (ISO display+) 'ISO' Yes, i want to see my ISO as often as possible. (I would like it if the ISO stayed up even when the shutter button was half pressed.)
d7 (File number seq) on I want my numbering never to reset/etc, and the directory to never change. This is as close as I can come.
e6 (Bracketing order) Under, MTR, Over I want to shoot bracketing in low exposure to high exposure order, not middle and then the outsides, because I will be doing bracketing for HDR and this makes it simpler to keep track of which is which.
f3 (Func button) AF-area mode This is one of my most frequently changed settings, so hell yes.
f4 (AE-L/etc) AE hold I don't know enough to use exposure holding, but if I do 'tap to hold' seems to be the least obnoxious way of doing it.
f7 (Reverse EV indicators) yes please This way it matches both sanity and my point and shoot, and i have no previous Nikon experience to be backwards compatible with

f3 and f4 are the least important settings because they are easy to change. If I am ever in a situation where auto-ISO parameters need a lot of change, or I need one-handed menu access, I will do the KR thing and reassign f3 to 'top entry on My Menu'.

(I had it set that way for a while, but found I was always using it to set the AF area mode anyways and the extra steps were irritating.)

Update, 2008-10-21: I turned b2 back off. The problem is that I can lose track of what mode I'm in and thus what dial is active (eg, I think I am in A but I am in P). If b2 is on, I wind up yanking around my exposure compensation when I try to adjust aperture instead of having nothing happen. This would probably be different with a Canon-style control allocation, but given that I don't use it much anyways, turning it off is less frustrating.

Update, 2008-10-29: customized c4. I should RCS this.

Update, 2009-01-04: customized e6 to be sensible.

'My Menu' settings

My menu is set up with:

  • AF-area mode
  • Auto ISO on/off
  • ISO parameters, because you cannot hotwire it straight to 'auto ISO parameters'
  • white balance, because you can't set which one of the various fluorescents to use through the WB button+dials
  • a2 Center focus point width
  • image review on/off
  • battery info, so I can chimp it easily
  • d10 Exposure delay mode

I leave the menu system set so that the battery info is the current entry; that way I can hit menu and use the front command dial to immediately see the battery status.

Since I have AF-area mode wired to Fn, it's surplus on this list and I should really remove it. But the above lowers my motivation.

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