= DWiki Global Variables As TemplateSyntax discusses, one can use global variables in templates in several ways. However, it helps to know what global variables are available. Thus this incomplete listing. First, all ConfigurationFile directives are available as global variables. Then, during request processing DWiki internally defines a number of additional global variables: |_. _page_ | The current page's full path, in DWiki form. | _abspage_ | The current page's full path, including a '_/_' at the start. | _pagename_ | The page's name; its last path component. | _pagetype_ | The type of the page, usually 'file' or 'dir'. | _view-format_ | The current view being processed. | _relname_ | In blog::blog, the name of the current page relative to the blog directory being displayed. | _basepage_ | In a VirtualDirectory context, the full path of the non-virtual directory. Otherwise the same as _page_. | _:wikitext:title_ | After a piece of wikitext has been rendered (more exactly after any wikitext template renderer has been used, including _wikitext:cache_), this is its title if any exists. The 'title' of a piece of wikitext is the text of the header that is at the start of the text, if there is one. This is the same as the _wikitext:title_ template renderer but may be more convenient to use. | _:wikitext:title:nohtml_ | This is the title but without any HTML markup, making it useful for eg a . It's the same as the _:wikitext:title:nohtml_ template renderer. | _login_ | The currently authenticated user. | _comment-ip_ | IP address that posted the current comment. | _comment-login_ | Login of the user that posted the current comment, if it is not the anonymous user. | _comment-name_ | The supplied name of the user that posted the current comment, if any. | _comment-url_ | The user's supplied website URL (if any) for the current comment. | _:comment:post_ | The result of an attempt to post a comment. One of 'good', 'bad', 'badchar', or 'nocomment' (the latter if it was an attempt to post an empty comment). (Only defined during comment posting.) | _:error:error_ | Error type. Only defined during error processing. | _:error:code_ | The numerical HTTP status code for an error. Only defined during error processing. | _http-command_ | The type of HTTP command being processed, either GET or POST. | _http-version_ | The (claimed) version of HTTP that the current request used. | _remote-ip_ | The IP address the current request came from. | _server-name_ | The hostname or IP address for this web server that the sender of the current request claims to have used. Not all of these are defined all of the time. Generally a context-dependant variable is only defined when the current thing being processed has that sort of information. There are other global variables that get set, but they are for more internal use, and you're best off browsing the source code for them.