NewFeatures: Chronological entries

This is a log of new features of note in DWiki.

DWiki has a new formatting feature. If you write just '* * *' on a line by themselves, they center and become a separator. Like, well, this:

* * *

You can't indent them, because I decided that would run too much risk of confusing things with pre-formatted text blocks.

Why? I just decided I liked that style of chunk separator. (Maybe if I could get a <hr> variant that didn't stretch the entire width...)

Note: feature subject to me changing my mind.

Symbolic links inside the DWiki page area now cause redirections if their value would be a valid redirection in a REDIRECT line.

For example: FrobTig, which is a symlink in /Aliases with the value '../People'.

We could have tried using os.path.realpath() on the symlink and taking the result relative to the store root, but I think that that has more subtle explosive breakages.

Symbolic links that don't resolve to a real DWiki page this way are interpreted normally, so you can still have symlinks that point to files outside the DWiki pagestore root.

DWiki now supports 'virtual directories': directories that don't really exist but instead serve to limit what's shown for a real directory. For example, you can limit what's shown for a real directory to only the most recent 5 things, or to only things written on 2005/05/29.

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