== The endings of adoptions Author correctly [[points out http://ani-nouto.animeblogger.net/2009/03/30/cks-on-anime-endings/]] the elephant in the room for sources of unsatisfying endings with unresolved mysteries: adoptions of ongoing manga series (or any ongoing series, since there are adoptions of light novels too). The honest answer to his question is that I didn't think of it; I was more or less only focusing on things that were within the control of the anime creators. Having said that, it's still the anime studio's responsibility to solve the problem. I can only think of two good approaches; the studio can break with the manga and come up with their own answers to the mysteries (call this the *Full Metal Alchemist* approach), or they can do their best to push the unanswerable mysteries into the background and focus the story on something that they can resolve (call this the *Fruits Basket* approach). Both approaches can produce satisfying endings if done well, but I think that only the first approach produces a work that stands alone and has a real conclusion. With the second approach, I think you pretty much always get 'and then life goes on, with more happening' endings; satisfying but not complete.