== Memorable anime from 2000 (for me) For various reasons I feel like looking back at the anime from the first decade or so of this century, year by year (partly because I by and large now have a certain amount of distance from it, since I saw most of it years ago). I can't possibly do my usual 'best N I watched in' style of entry for old years because I have no idea what I actually watched back then, so the best I can do is look at what (first) aired in those years and that I still think is memorable or notable. This is a personal version of memorable and as such will skip some famous works that I personally didn't watch or that didn't stick with me in any particular way. (For example, *InuYasha* started in 2000 but I never really watched it. *Love Hina* is also a 2000 series, I saw all of the TV show, but I don't think it's memorable for me in the way I want to cover here.) Note that memorable does not necessarily mean good and there's at least one series that's going to cause me to froth mightily when I get to its year. For the most part this will be anime that I've seen most or all of. I'm taking date information from Wikipedia (which turns out to be a bit incomplete) and [[Anime-Planet http://www.anime-planet.com/anime/years/2000?sort=title&order=asc&page=1 ]]. Standouts: * *FLCL*: I have nothing to say about this that other people haven't said better, except that watching it cold was a very trippy experience that probably can't be duplicated today (by the time you see it you'll likely have heard at least something about it). * *Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade*: This is an amazing movie. I have nothing coherent to say about it and others have written lots about it anyways. (Wikipedia doesn't list it as a 2000 movie because it was released in France in 1999. It was released in Japan in 2000 so it counts for me.) Ordinarily memorable: * *Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust*: This was epic in a good way with all sorts of nice action scenes and some reasonably affecting characters. * *Blood: The Last Vampire*: This was an excellent little unpretentious movie for what it was. I still have fond memories of several scenes (including one genuinely funny stereotype-puncturing one). It spawned a whole series of other works that I am progressively less fond of. * *``NieA_7''*: This is a less well regarded Yoshitoshi ABe work but I enjoyed it a fair bit. It is slower and smaller in scope than his other works but no less charming. * *Escaflowne* (the movie): Oh boy. The TV series was fine but the movie version of the story was kind of a trainwreck, with changes left and right. I once had a lot more opinions about this but they've faded with time. Honorable mentions: * *Ah! My Goddess: The Movie*: I was actually surprised to realize that I remember quite a lot from this film, including a quite nice race scene. It's well done and a quite good distillation of the essence of AMG. * *Initial D: Extra Stage*: I get to count *Initial D* in this because Extra Stage aired in 2000. Extra Stage is a nice little side story focusing on some of my favorite secondary characters. * *Android Kikaider*: This takes an old Japanese tokusatsu show and turns it into a surprisingly affecting psychological thriller that's lovingly drawn in an old-school style to boot. Things I haven't seen: * *Banner of the Stars*: I've seen *Crest of the Stars* and have always wanted to watch more, but *Banner* fell into the 00s gulf in my anime watching. There are a number of other shows from 2000 that I have definite and often fond memories of but that I don't think are memorable enough for me to say anything about here. An incomplete list is *Boys Be...*, *Yami no Matsuei*, *Gatekeepers*, *Gravitation*, *Hand Maid May*, *Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran*, *Love Hina*, and *Vandread*. (Some might be more memorable if I had seen all of the show instead of just parts.) === Sidebar: Me and incomplete or missed series from the 00s The early 00s have a lot of incomplete series for me because I fell out of watching anime for a while. At the start of the 00s I was watching anime through various local anime clubs, but around here they steadily withered away as digital fansubs grew (which was kind of sad to see). For various reasons I didn't make the transition myself right away and only started watching anime on the computer rather later on. So there's a bunch of series that I saw some but not all of through an anime club before the anime club closed down, but I never went back to watch the rest of. (And a certain amount of series that aired then, I missed at the time, and I've never gone back to watch since.)